Thursday, October 29, 2009

By CarreraCoin Hack Cheats Society.

This hack is an official video made by us and many are going to do is win 2000 coins in Auque Stadium bets bet 5 you only can do Coins.Este succession process that will give you many coins every day.

1-Let the Pet and the Stadium bet for 5 Coins and give Ok.

2-Then go to Cheat Engine, change 4bytes by 8Bytes and Asrom.El code to look for is 5D8B00000652840F.First Scan.

3-We will come a result we give Dussamble This right click and Religion.

4-We will come a box, in the first result we Go to addreses and copy it.

5-taped in Patiniox in CarreraCoin Enter Code.

6-Then we send and we'll be out a few things down we copy and paste it in the Cheat Engine Tools below where it says there Aautossable says and we taped Run.

7-Come to the Pet and we started there ready to click the Stake.

8-When done even lose you win you win 2000 Coins 2000 Coins.Felicitaciones!

Farm Friends EXP.

Hello atodos hacks continue as always to publish the blog if forward and never Hack caiga.Vamos the Friends of Farm to win with this hack made experiencia.Tambien points Tooto we thank for the paos Info.Aca the hack.

1-entered the game
2-We gain 1 experience point
3-We chose the EC and Process firefox browser or we are using ...
4-We Click to polling HEX asroma And Under Value Type 8 Bytes.
5-Paste the HEX: 488938488B444889 and give it to First Scan
6-Just give us a result
7-We right click, and then Dissamble This Memory Region
8-When We selected Right Click and choose Change Register At This Location
9-In We EAX 10,000 We are OK and then we restrict play
10-We went out and entered and EXP 10000 points

Gang War Bot.

In this new gang war bot can do these things:

  • Automatic Attack
  • Defense Automatic
  • State Anticoma
  • Buy Automatica
  • Revenge Automatica
  • Protection against murderers Automatica
  • Escape from prison Automatic
  • Assignments and work automatically.
  • Killing people automatically

We will have 4 options to play. Pirmero have to send our mail and Passaword of Facebook, then choose the missions that we do, then in combat if we choose to fight against other groupalmente individually and in terriotorio what we buy and choose Murder Automatically Bonus. You will note that the program is in Italian but as there is much difference from one language to another is possible that we can understand.

to download:

New Pet Society Gold Box Little Hack "

Hello to all lovers of hacks today I bring you a hack for the Pet Society as Pet switch boxes if you do not like what they trae.Sigan command steps.

  1. Open your browser (IE, Firefox, or whatever)
  2. Go to File and select "Work Offline", we give a ok, if something appears to us.
  3. In Pet Society, which must be opened from the second step, we bought a box of 500 (or any value, I say recommended)
  4. Here is at our disposal if we like it or not the item within that box, if they like, Ovbio, they keep it, otherwise, read this procedure ...
  5. Click on Work with connection (we connect the fomra whatever) and go back to Pet Society.
  6. The money is, buy the box again and if they like the item, we will remain.

Crazy Planets By Waldo Hack!

Hi, first of all thank patiniox and Waldo for this great Hack! : D

Here we go with the trick:

1 .- Be Crazy Planet, open and enter any mission
2 .- To win the mission and return to Earth
3 .- Open the EC in the selection process firefox
4 .- Copy this F685D8758B1C4389 Hex
5 .- Hex Search, Exact Value, 8 Bytes, asroma
6 .- Dissasemble
7 .- Debug, Toggle Breakpoint (or tightened F5)
8 .- q Entering the mission you want to win
9 .- When the mission will win the freezer firefox will play. Are passed to the EC and on the right side is the red and will change the value of EAX by the number 13 (19 in decimal) and give Ok
10 .- Debug, Run (or tightened F9)
11.a-Will now 19 missions Extra ... Only 1 more and you're done playing with the 3 medals of the world
11.b-10 missions +19 If you have 29 missions missions will anyway have to win 1 more to go the medals q. The 19 is for if you have 0 missions.

The last Halloween!

Look at these images of Halloween Pet Society are pictures increibles.Estas get these last weeks and Ceran the latest Halloween Pet Society that already make good use of this and buy them despidiendo.Pero command ahora.Les the gruesome video of pictures.

Country Story Stamina Hack.

Hello friends in this hack at all as I will be teaching at Country Stamina hack Soty.Para perform these steps remain well.

1. Open CE and choose Firefox, mark Hex, 8 bytes and asroma, then write the following code 000000C48889CA2B and First Scan.
2. right click the first result and we Disssamble this memory reggion
3. change "sub ecx, ecx" with "sub edx, edx" (by double clicking on the blue line).

Infinite bullets in Counter Strike!

Hello folks, today I bring you the trick of Counter Stike. The trick is to have infinite bullets in Counter can be any steps to leave version.Les tner infinite bullets.

1 - Open and Counter Strike Cheat Engine 5.5
3 - Choose to process "list the Counter"
4 - Start a new game in the Counter
5 - Noticing the number of bullets and put the hex number to search for CE First Scan
6 - They will get many results, so come to the counter and spend a bullet, and put that number in value, and press next scan
7 - You will get a single result, give double click
8 - Will appear in the bottom of the EC
9 - In the portion of value to double-click the window and put out 500000 and give OK
10 - Van to Counter Strike and get to "spend" the INFINITE BULLETS!

Halloween Special!

Hello everyone today I have a picture from Halloween Pet Society this week is still all to play should be joyous for Halloween hay.No objects speak more and I send the image.

Pet Society New Items in Mystery Boxes.

Today I bring you the pictures of the Pet Society sepecial Halloween. Aprobechar In this week to buy esots can items.Si not have much money to buy esots objects can make the Carrera Coin Hack to give us a lot of money in no time . Thanks for entering the blog, I send pictures of the new Pet Society Items.

Bloody BunnyFloating Ghost Decornull

New Items Pet Halloween!

Every player on the Pet to be shocked and very happy for everything that the Pet Society sapecial at Halloween has been a success throughout the mundo.No poruqe are excited about this new Items will this samana many for all to disfrutar.Les we have a pictures of Halloween, thank you very much for Visistar Cheats Society which always be with you.

Pet Society Two Hacks.

1-Let's play ball, rope or Frisbbie.
2-Open the Cheat Engine select our browser, we mark Hex, 8 bytes and write this code Asrom.En hex C07589544F8BD18B and First Scan.
3-We will come a single result which we will Dissamble This Reggion Memory.
4-In the blue line to give Change Registrer clikc right at This Localitation, check the box and write ecx 999. We ok, played ball, and surprise! We won the trophy that we needed!Thanks HackPet by Hack.

Now for a hack of Coins:

1-We played with the ball once or Frissbie.
2-Then open the Cheat Engine, select your browser (Mozilla Firefox) mark hex, 8 bytes and asroma.
3-We 2 results The first will give you Dissamble This Reggion Memory. The line marked will add eax, XX (according to the times we found beaten the ball above), double click it and changed it to add ecx, 00. We ok, close the window and Dissamble Surprise! The difficulty does not increase every time the ball golpiemos.

By Hack Paw Pet Society Trucoteca.

This hack is not very exciting but it works when you visit a friend experiecia give more normal.Espero what you like and continue to enter.

Cheat Engine 5.5.
Firefox or Flock
Flash Player 9
  1. 1.Buy something
  2. 2.We opened the EC in PROCCARA our explorer, we mark Hex, 8 bytes and asroma. The is 5D8B0000003F840F codegen and First Scan.
  3. 4.5 results will come. This always the last Dissamble Memory Reggion
  4. 5.Double click on the line "je xxxxxxxx" and cambiamso for "nes". Now for the visit will give us a little more experience.

Super Offer "Hack Farm Town"

Hello I send a video of the hack is to get FarmTown products precio.Sigan half of the steps to do that hack.Los are the usual requirements.

1-Enter the Town Farm.
2-Search CE (unchecked anything) our number of coins.
3-Come to Town Farm and buy anything ...
4-We put our score in the Cheat Engine and Next Scan.
5-You receive this resultado.A give you double click.
6-appear at the bottom, we double click where it says our scores ...
7-Where are the stats the same but we add 3 more zeros ...
8-Van to buy something for the farm and can buy something free!
9-After having bought our free item go to cheat engine and repeat step 6 and 7
10-Now we buy what we like, suddenly repeating these steps!!

PS''Playfish Cash''

Almost ... Possible

Hi all I command you today as a hack of fishing with the Hack.Que Coin Cash really seems impossible but I give them to seek 89D068000000C1E9 Hex and D06800000239850F. The options that need to be checked are asroma, HEX AND 4 Bytes.Les control the video.

Hack 17 employees Restaurant City.

As you can see the title, many will be surprised, really true because I tested on my steps to leave pc.Les tner 17 employees more in Restaurant City.
  1. In Cheat Engine select our browser (Firefox or Flock), we mark Hex, 8 bytes and asroma. Write the number "F18B0000010E8F0F" (Flash player 9) or
    "F18B000001138F0F" (flash player 10). First Scan
  2. Dissamble open up with the result ...
  3. Double click on the blue line and changed by JMP and ok JG
  4. Now we employ 17 employees but do not forget to save but not because we'll be out Click Here To Retry and we will make the whole process again ... that in spite of being easy, we are annoyed that we have to do it again ...

$Restaurant City - Downgrade level 32 for Coin Cheat / Money Hack$

you need:

*Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
* Firefox
* Flash Player 9 and 10
* Piaip's Restaurant City Hack Tool v1.12

For Flash 9
1) Open your Restaurant City.
2) Patch it using Piaip's Restaurant City Hack Tool v1.12 to allow fast eat, fast serve/cook, auto regeneration
3) Gain at least 1 gourmet point (exp point)
4) Open Cheat Engine, choose your browser in the process list.
5) Tick HEX, 8 bytes, also scan read-only memory
6) Put "00000039840FD285" in the hex Box
7) 1 address returned. (if nth found, READ step 3)
8) Right click, disassemble it
9) You'll see the line "mov ecx,[edx+00000088]"
10) Toggle breakpoint at the line (F5)
11) If CE pause RS at the line, read edx value on right side
12) Remove breakpoint (F5 again)
13) Run (F9)
14) At CE, click add address manually
15) Address = EDX value + 88 in 4byte


For Flash 10
1) Open your Restaurant City.
2) Patch it using Piaip's Restaurant City Hack Tool v1.12 to allow fast eat, fast serve/cook, auto regeneration
3) Gain at least 1 gourmet point (exp point)
4) Open Cheat Engine, choose your browser in the process list.
5) Tick HEX, 8 bytes, also scan read-only memory
6) Put "00000039840FD285" in the hex Box
7) 1 address returned.
8) Right click, disassemble it
9) You'll see the line "mov ecx,[edx+00000090]"
10) Toggle breakpoint at the line (F5)
11) If CE pause Registers at the line, read edx value on right side
12) Remove breakpoint (F5 again)
13) Run (F9)
14) At CE, click add address manually
15) Address = Example: 1E03D0EC + 90 in 4byte

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pet Society Cheat // Unlimited visit

You will need:
  • firefox
  • ce 5.5
  • flash 9
  1. Visit a friend in pet society
  2. Go to CE 5.5, choose firefox as process, Tick hex, 8 bytes, ASROM
  3. Scan "598b00000938840f"
  4. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
  5. You will see this line 'JE XXXXXX' (xxxxxx = random numbers)
  6. Scroll up 4 lines and you will see ANOTHER 'JE XXXXXX'
  7. Right click this lline and choose 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  8. Go back to CE and NEW SCAN this value "538b00000020850f"
  9. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
  10. You will see this line 'JNE XXXXXX'
  11. Now go visit your friends. Repeat visits will still get you 20coins. Rmb to use a mouse recorder to automate the clicking. (download link for mouse recorder can be found in 'Useful downloads' in my menu.

Pet Society Fun Cheat // Something to do if you're BORED

This is NOT a coin or paw points cheat. It's just something for you to do if you want to have a laugh or feeling bored.

You will probably need flash 9 for this.

  1. Select browser as your cheat engine's process
  2. Tick hex, asrom, 8bytes
  3. Scan "438B0000012C8D0F"
  4. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
  5. Change the jnl to jmp.
  6. Watch your pet society go TECHNO FUNKY.

Pet Society Cheat // Easy 1000 coins by Spyke

I used:
  • firefox
  • ce5.5
  • flash 9 and flash 10. (use the respective generator)
Steps: (redoing steps, give me a min)
  1. Go into pet society > stadium > betting
  2. Select anyone and click on the tick. But DO NOT click READY.
  3. Open ce5.5, select firefox as process
  4. Tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
  5. Scroll down to the Betting cheat generator and scan the first value in ce5.5
  6. 1 address returned. Copy this Address into the cheat generator.
  7. Now NEW SCAN the second value in ce5.5
  8. 1 address returned. Copy this Address into the cheat generator.
  9. Click generate and copy all the codes generated.
  10. Paste the generated codes in the bottom panel of ce5.5 (that hugee blank area)
  11. You will see the line PS HURDLES $1000. Tick FREEZE!
  12. Now back in Pet Society, Click on the READY and even when you lose the bet, you will still get 1000 coins.
Note: If you get 10wins, 100wins, 300wins, you will get a trophy which will cause the mayor to appear (meaning you get d/c!). So win a bet legitimately during these 3 times before continuing using the cheat

Go look through my older Pet Society cheats and you can find an AUTO BETTING program. Try them together and i believe you can earn lots of coins without even facing your computer.

AUTO BETTING BOT. download all 3 parts and open with WINRAR

How to use the auto betting

Go to STADIUM. Open AUTO RACER BOT. Just select any of the Betting racers. Follow the image above. And select the number of times you want the autobot to repeat. (see the image, in this case it's 10)

PS Carreracoin Hack

You will need:
  • flash 9 (check out useful downloads in my menu)
  • flock browser
  • ce 5.5
  1. Go into PS
  2. Go to Stadium, Bet, Select anyone, DON'T press 'Ready'
  3. Go to ce5.5, select any browser you are using, tick HEX, 8bytes, ASROM
  4. Scan "5D8B00000652840F"
  5. Only 1 address returned. Disassemble.
  6. Right click and select 'Go To Address'
  7. Copy that address
  8. Paste it in the PS Carreracoin Hack generator below

this is form is found on

Code is credited to Patiniox

HEX/8/Asrom 5D8B00000652840F

Result will open in a popup

9.Press Generate and copy out all the generated codes.

10.Now go back to ce5.5, click Tools > Auto Assemble and paste all the codes there
11.Click Execute > OK

12.Now back in PS, click ready and watch the race. you will get +1000 TWO TIMES even if you lose.